Refuge is our weekly worship service that we have every Thursday night @ 7. We have a fun time of fellowship before Refuge each week, so follow us on Instagram to see what we have going on!

Small Group Community
We have weekly Bible studies called Family Groups that serve to encourage deeper studies and accountability. We also have gender-specific groups called Flourish & Echo that meet to build connections with one another.

Campus Outreach
Campus Outreach is how we serve our campus well. Whether it is through handing out Pop-Tarts on campus or by conducting spiritual surveys, we believe that being present on campus is how we love our campus!

We desire to impact our campus and our world for Christ. None of what we do is possible without the generous support of churches, alumni, and individuals that allow us to provide outreach on campus as well as mobilize students on mission around the globe.

We want to connect with you! The BCM is a place where you find a community of believers that encourages you to grow in Christ. There are weekly activities for you to be involved with and we are confident you can find something that fits your needs and weekly schedule!

The BCM exists to connect students to Christ and walk alongside them as they discover the purpose he has for their lives. We desire to serve our university community made up of, not only students, but staff and faculty as well.