Parent Testimony
As parents, sending their baby girl off to college was not easy. After her freshman year, our concerns were gone. Through the BCM our daughter has learned leadership skills, volunteered at school and community events, served the Lord on mission trips, participated in intramural sports and made countless friendships. The BCM and its leadership has truly been a blessing in our lives through our daughter.
We hope you know how much we are praying for your student as they are navigating their college career. We pray that God will give them many opportunities to serve him during this time and prepare them for their next steps. We hope that you will pray for us as well. Pray for our BCM ministry that we can continue to reach our campus for Christ. This is a crucial time in a young adults life and we pray that no one will fall through the cracks during this time but that every student will have the chance to be engaged with the gospel and connected to Christian friends and mentors..
Exam Care Package
We know how stressful exam week can be to your student! Each semester BCM parents will receive a letter about our exam care packages. This is an opportunity for parents to provide an exam care package with snacks and words of encouragement. Exam care packages will be delivered to your student on “study day” and all that we ask is that parents make a contribution to our BCM missions fund. If you are not on our exam care package list, please sign up!
Parent Testimony
From the first day of Freshman move in we knew that the BCM was special. The BCM students were the predominant presence helping usfind our way. That feeling was reinforced when my daughter was embraced by a family of students that give her the strength to make good choices. She sees fun, fellowship, and often free food... I see a healthy home away from home, strong Christian supportive friends and an ongoing lesson about giving back.
Give a Donation
We are so thankful to have your student involved in our BCM ministry! We hope this is a time in their life where they can grow in Christ and develop lifelong friendships. If you believe in, have been touched by, or have had a student touched by, God’s work through our APSU Baptist Collegiate Ministry, please prayerfully consider making a donation to the APSU BCM. All donations will be used to further our campus outreach ministry and to continue to send students in missions opportnities.